Sat 19th & Sun 20th November - Palatine Leisure Centre Blackpool

Entries for this years Blackpool Rocks Gala are now open. It's a popular gala on the calendar with a great atmosphere.

As this is a first come first serve gala we will be submitting our entries as soon as the window opens.

>>Gala Consideration Times<<

Lower and upper end times - Please check your swimmer has a time within these limits , if not please ask a coach to provide you with times for your events.

>>Gala Entry Form<<

Submit your Entries here

>>Gala Conditions<<

(Please note age groups are age of swimmer as at midnight Nov 20th 2022)

>>Gala Programme<<

Timetable of events

Our internal deadline for entries is Sunday Oct 9th - 9pm.

Entries are £5.75 per race + a £2 admin fee

Recently an increasing number of swimmers/parents are not taking the time or effort to understand the gala arrangements, ensuring they have entry times that are valid, or paying fees on time. The gala entry process is time consuming for our volunteers so please can you ensure you do the following:

- Submit your entries as soon as you know you wish to enter

- Check to ensure your swimmer has the minimum qualifying time. If they don't we can still enter a coaches time but can you please indicate this on the form.

 - When you receive your request for payment please follow the instructions.

Blackpool Lights, Galas